Friday, February 29, 2008


Well thank you so much Molly for my award! I'm so happy!! So there are a few questions I got to answer now:

What's the story behind the name of your blog?

As you can probably tell...I love the fashion world! Everything about it, but specifically the modeling industry. I even started doing it for awhile in my midteens (and actually did quite well in the Toronto Fashion scene, if I do say so myself) but at the time didn't take it seriously and didn't fully understand it. It got to the point where the head of the agency I was at talked to me about proper "model behavior." I thought it was HILARIOUS! I was doing it for the cool clothes and parties, and she was talking to me like I was somebody's ROLE MODEL!
So I was sent to model bootcamp in a shady factory for almost a year and ....JUST KIDDING!! those really exist? Anyway, I ended up going to university and stopped modeling, but "model misbehaviour" always stuck with me, so that's what I named my blog. But I had all these technical problems in the beginning and for the love of fashion all I wanted to do was have my own blog! So (*don king voice*) when this blog PREVAILED and ROSE from the ashes, I decreed the name to be "&For the Love of Fashion"

Why did you start blogging in the first place?
hmm, well good question. I think I must have been "researching" something on the net, got distracted, and stumbled upon a fashion blog. Then I probably found that there were links to more and TRILLIONS of links later, an obsession began and I wanted to have my own!

What has been your best blogging experience? What about the worst?
BEST= making blogger friends and reading my comments!
WORST = the times I don't blog for awhile i get this really guilty feeling, but otherwise I've had no bad experiences.

What do you think will happen to your blog in 2008?
Imma do me!!! hahaha, and hopefully I'll keep up this blog

So getting this award means I know can give it to 5 bloggers.

Congratulations to:

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